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Ethan Winthrop

Travis Schuldt portrays Ethan Winthrop. Ethan took on the last name of his mother Ivy Winthrop Crane when he learned that he's not really the son of Julian Crane, but the son of Sam Bennett.

Originally from Topeka, Kan., but raised in Fort Worth, Texas, Schuldt graduated from Texas Christian University with a degree in theatre. His theatre credits include "Glengarry Glen Ross", "Taming of the Shrew", "The Tragedy of Macbeth" and "Madwomen of Chaillot". Schuldt recently co-produced, directed, and starred in Sam Shepard's "Icarus' Mother." "Passions" is Schuldt's first job in television.

Born on September 18, Schuldt enjoys "ultimate" frisbee, Tae Kwon-Do, and mountain biking.

Travis's Links...
 Travis at eFanGuide.Com
Travis's photo gallery
The Bennett Bunch

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