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Julian Crane

Veteran actor Ben Masters plays Julian Crane, the rich, powerful and arrogant son of "Passions" patriarch Alistair Crane. Well-known for the variety of roles he has played on series such as "Heartbeat," "Murder She Wrote," "Diagnosis Murder," "Touched by an Angel" and "Sisters," Masters has also acquired a long list of made-for-television movie credits such as "Noble House," "Deliberate Stranger" and "Celebrity." Masters began his acting career after graduating from the University of Oregon as a Theatre major by going to Broadway to star in "Plenty", "The Cherry Orchard", "Waltz of Toreadors" and "Captain Brassbound's Conversion".

Masters, who is single, currently resides in Palm Springs and enjoys golfing, skiing and gourmet cooking. He was born on May 6.

Ben's Links...
 Ben's photo gallery
The House of Crane

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