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Eve Russell

Tracey Ross plays Dr. Eve Russell, the beautiful and compassionate town doctor, and wife of T.C. Eve has a secret past that includes an affair with Julian Crane, and drugs.

Ross began her career when she became "Star Search's" first ever $100,000 spokesmodel champion. She went on to land recurring roles on both "Ryan's Hope" and "All My Children". Her other television credits include The "Cosby Show", "Doctor, Doctor", "ROC", "The Gregory Hines Show" and "Baywatch Nights". Ross has appeared in the telefilms "Mayflower Madam" and "Valley of the Dolls" and will make her feature film debut in the upcoming "Unconditional Love".

A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Ross currently lives in Los Angeles with her son. She enjoys gardening, reading and rock climbing. Her birthday is February 27.

Tracey's Links...
 Tracey's photo gallery
The Russell Hustle

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