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Gwen Hotchkiss

Natalie Zea plays the role of socialite Gwen Hotchkiss, a woman who is determined to destroy Theresa.

A native of Monahans, Texas, Natalie relocated to Los Angeles from New York City when she landed the part of Gwen. Passions is Natalie's debut in daytime television. Her other credits include the Dick Wolf television series "D.C.", the films "Macbeth in Manhattan," "Creatures of Habit," "Kiss & Tell" and the acclaimed short "Boys Don't Cry" which was directed by Kimberly Pierce. Additionally, Natalie has appeared in many national commercials for companies such as Dove, Snickers and Hellman's Salad Dressing.

A graduate of The American Music and Dramatic Academy in New York, where she received her BFA in Theater, Natalie has also appeared in the off-Broadway plays "Measure for Measure," "The Three Sisters," "The Lights," and "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Natalie's hobbies include performing karaoke, designing her own jewelry and restoring vintage clothing. Natalie was born on March 17.

Natalie's Links...
 Official website
Nat's Photo Gallery
Natalie Zea Online

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